As people start to age, it is completely normal for eyesight to start slipping. Even if you have had perfect vision your entire life, you may find that you need a little help seeing things as you get older. In fact, right around the age of 40 is when people notice the biggest decline. For many people, this means that they have to have a certain prescription to see things that are close as well as things that are far away. This can be corrected with progressive lenses that help you see things that are close as well as far away. Eyewear Candy Optical RX is here to share some tips that can help you get used to wearing progressive lenses as this takes some time to get used to.
Tips to Adapt to Progressive Lenses
It can be difficult to get used to wearing progressive lenses at first. You need to remember that you need to be patient and give the process some time. Here are some tips to help you get used to them faster.
– Choose the Right Frames: When you choose a wider frame, it can be helpful for progressive lenses. When you have a wider field of view, there is more room for the gradual change from distance vision on top and near vision on the bottom.
– Clean the Lenses: Even the smallest fingerprints or film can make it even harder to get used to your new glasses. Make sure you’re keeping the lenses clean.
– Wear Progressive Lenses Indoors First: It is exciting to get new glasses, but you need to make sure you’re not jumping in too quickly. Start by wearing them indoors and gradually start to wear them more outside as you get used to them.
– Watch for Stairs: Stairs can be a bit tricky when you’re still figuring out your new depth perception with these lenses. Make sure you’re holding onto a railing while getting used to them and using the stairs.
– Be Consistent: You are going to have a harder time getting used to your new progressive lenses if you aren’t ever wearing them. Don’t switch too much between your old and your new pair as that can be confusing to your brain and make the process last longer. You want to wear them as much as possible to get used to the way the world looks with them.
– Don’t Forget Breaks: Even though you should be wearing them often, make sure you’re giving yourself breaks when you need it. This can be a big change and one that you don’t want to give yourself a headache over.
Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Sunglasses & More in Delray Beach, FL (Just Minutes Away from Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Kings Point, Golf & Boynton Beach, Florida)
If you are having a difficult time seeing things when you used to see just fine, it might mean that you need glasses. If this is the case, you can turn to Eyewear Candy Optical RX to help get you squared away with the prescription as well frames. Call us today!