When you find out that your child needs glasses, it might be an exciting thought for them. However, once you get those glasses, the excitement often wears off rather quickly. It is vital for your child’s development to be able to see well, even if this means glasses need to be a part of their life. There are things that parents can do to help their child adjust to life with glasses. Eyewear Candy Optical RX is here to share our best tips to help kids with this transition.
Tips to Help Your Child Get Used to Wearing Glasses
If you have found out that your child needs glasses to see the world more clearly, there might be a learning curve involved with the process. Here are some tips that can help the transition be as smooth as possible.
– Have a Conversation: The best thing you can do for your child is to talk about getting glasses before it happens. Talk about what their concerns might be as well as the excitement they might feel about it. This can be an exciting time for them.
– Do Some Research: Find some characters that your child watches on television or in the games that they play so that their interest in being like that character is peaked. This can help build up some excitement about it.
– Find the Right Fit: It is vital that your child finds glasses that fit them properly. If the glasses are uncomfortable for them, it will be difficult to get them to keep them on for long periods of time. You don’t want to get glasses with the idea that your child can “grow” into them. They need to fit well from the very beginning.
– Show Them: You might find that your child is more excited to wear their glasses once they realize how much better they can see with them on. It can be difficult for children to navigate their way through life when they aren’t able to see well.
– Develop a Fun Routine: Making the new routine with their glasses a fun process can help generate excitement as well. You can add eye care to their morning and evening routines that might include toothbrushing, brushing hair and other normal activities. You can have your small children say good morning and good night to their glasses to help them develop a fun relationship with them.
– Celebrate with Them: When they make it through an entire day with their glasses on, make sure you celebrate the achievement with them. This is going to be filled with highs and lows. Make sure you celebrate the highs.
Eye Exams, Eyeglasses, Sunglasses & More in Delray Beach, FL (Just Minutes Away from Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Kings Point, Golf & Boynton Beach, Florida)
If you are concerned about your child’s eyesight, you can turn to Eyewear Candy Optical RX for an exam. If your child does need glasses, we have several different frames for them to choose from. It is our goal to help your child see his/her best. Call us today!